
At ItalAI, our research is at the forefront of AI innovation. We pride ourselves on contributing to the global AI community through rigorous and groundbreaking research. Our team of experts publishes in top-tier conferences and journals, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in artificial intelligence.

CVPR '24


  • PREGO: online mistake detection in PRocedural EGOcentric videos
  • PREGO Project

ICML '24


  • Hyperbolic Active Learning for Semantic Segmentation under Domain Shift
  • HALO Project

ICML'24 - Next Generation of Sequence Modeling Architectures Workshop


  • SeRpEnt: Selective Resampling for Expressive State Space Models
  • SeRpEnt Project

ECCV '24 - Beyond Euclidean Workshop

Hyperbolic Multimodal

  • Hyperbolic Learning with Multimodal Large Language Models
  • Hyperbolic Multimodal Project

IROS'24 Oral


  • Hyp2Nav: Hyperbolic Planning and Curiosity for Crowd Navigation
  • Hyp2Nav Project